Production announced for the film “Ruro no Tsuki” (First film to be produced by UNO-FILMS)!

A award-winner of the 2020 Bookstore Awards, a best-selling novel “Ruro no Tsuki” (by author Yuu Nagira; Tokyo Sogensha Co., Ltd.) to be adopted for motion pictures with Lee Sang-il, the director of “Villain” and “Rage.”

Shooting with starring actors, Suzu Hirose and Tori Matsuzaka, will begin this summer. Please look forward to the first film produced by UNO-FILMS. Scheduled to be in theaters in 2020.

Based on the novel “Ruro no Tsuki” written by Yu Nagira (Tokyo Sogensha) / Cast: Suzu Hirose, Tori Matsuzaka / Written and directed by Sang-il Lee / Produced by UNO-FILMS / co-produced by GAGA, UNITED PRODUCTIONS  / Distributed by GAGA / © 2022 “Ruro no Tsuki” Film Partners / Japan release: 2022

GAGA:“Ruro no Tsuki”